domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2016

Blended Learning


It is a mix learning through face to face class and online learning. Nowadays, there are schools that works with this method. For instance, JEC schools. This method is applied in schools because it gives them the opportunity of practicing english with the plataform so that they can improve their four skills.

This method has advantages and disadvantages. Here i am going to mention some advantages and disadvantages.


 It is more effective than just face-to-face or just online classes.

- It gives teacher detail of how their students are going on.

- It gives students opportunity to practice by using technology.


- It dependences on technical resources.

- It can be a resource that may get our students distracted.

- It needs the use of internet.

Anyway, this method is giving us some good results.

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016



CLIL means Content and Language Integrated Learning. It is a dual focused educational.
It is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language.

Another characterist of this approach is that it is not only focused on one specific subject.

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016

Huancho - Lima / Puno Group # 04

Huancho lima - Puno

Group # 0 4

This place is located in Huancane, Huancane, Puno. It takes around twenty four hours in order to arrive to Huancho - lima.

Huancho – Lima is denominated as that name because it was the capital of Peru for three days. There was a revolution there. It was said by Mr. Saturnino who is a senior citizen.

We were twenty four students who went to Huancho – Lima and one teacher who may not be the best  teacher but anyway, we were there to apply our projects and knowledge. But in this case, I went with Mabel who is my friend from the university. We were there for one month. We were living at 72232 Huancho bajo - school. It is said that the school was cemetery so that everybody was frightened of it. I can say that we heard and saw unusual things. Anyway, we had a wonderful experience!  

I forgot to mention about Chester. It is a dog that we met at the school. After many strange things were happening, Chester appeared as an angel and we felt more relaxed and he was our pet. We wanted to bring him but we could not do it.

Something that catches my attention was that Huancho – Lima does not have cemetery. Nowadays, people from there bury their deads in their house.

On the other hand, in case of our feeding, we had to cook by ourselves but I feel grateful with the people from Huancho – lima because they gave us potato, chuño, and other kind of food. Sometimes people who cooked for the students used to invite us.

In case of our project, we did a greenhouse (Biohuerto) , library and workshops. Mabel and I, who were from languages, taught  to elementary school in the morning while in the afternoon Mabel taught to children from elementary school and I taught students from high school. There were a few drawbacks to teach them because there were no enough room, photocopies or sometimes the weather was a problem. Keep in mind that students from high school came after their class from their school finished. It took thirty minutes by bicycle and around one hour in case they wanted to assist to our classes.

Fortunately, the government gave one bicycle to the student from high school because many of them live far away. 

Finally, I am going to report the touristic places where we went.

  •  We went to the “farewall” with the mayor but unfortunately it was not there because it did not rain. Then, we went to a cave. It was great. We walk a lot! :)

  •  We went to San Antonio de Putina. It has a beautiful church and some places to visit and spend time with friends from our group.

  •             We went to Huancané because people from our community had a competition with other communities. The completion is about what they sell. In this case our community sold fried beans (habas fritas) , a drink made of pineapple and broad beans (habas) and cakes made of broad beans and others. Fortunately, we won the second prize.

  • The last days before coming we were in Puno, Desaguadero and La paz, Bolivia.

    That was it. I really hope you enjoyed reading and thanks for the time you took for reading my report.

viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016



These terms are usually confused because of the meaning but keep in mind that these words are related each one. However, there are some differences. 

Let's start with cooperative learning

In this case, students take part, work, discuss, change ideas together and there are no pairs of students.

On the other hand, we have the colaborative learning.

We can see that this learning is usual because students separate the homework or any task in order to present the work.

we can say that they study or do just their part of the homework.

In brief, both learning are good way to make feel our students responsables of their homework and have the decision how to do it and they can realize if it is a good or a wrong way to learn. However, it helps them to feel comfortable.

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

Diseño Curricular Nacional 2017

Diseño Curricular Nacional 2017

In our country, Peru, there is a document which is called Diseño Curricular Nacional. It is related with the education. There is a period of time that this document is changed in order to be improved or enhanced. For instance, we can see that the time of some subjects were modified such as english and others.

 But if we analize the time of how much our students stay in a classroom, it has advantages and disadvantages so that teachers must be well prepared to overcome all kind of drawbacks that they will find in this new challenge.

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

This is me


My name is Gabriela del Pilar Quispe Grandez but people call me Gaby, I was born in Callao. I am

20 years old. I live in Villa Maria del Triunfo. I live with my parents and my little

brother. I have two pets but they don't live in my house.

Nowadays, i study english and spanish as a foreign language.

Something that i love... :]

I really love traveling. I don't know my whole country but i know some awesome turistic places.

About job experience... :]

I worked as a teacher, waitress and i had the opportunity to work in different international events and/or meetings such as.

Well, thanks for reading. That's it. :]